34 Wks...and a picture to boot!


This pregnancy has gone by so fast...I wanted to post this creatively, but just haven't had the time. IT'S A GIRL!!! We're not sure on names yet so we just refer to her as 'baby sis'. It's really cute to hear T talk to her and call her 'baby sis' - she already is so fond of her, which hopefully will last when the jealousy kicks in.

We have 6 weeks left. I am starting to get REALLY excited! (and nervous for the actuall birth) I can't help but wonder what baby sis will look like?!? My family's genes are very prominant~Does this mean baby sis will look a lot like big sis OR will Lars' genes finally kick in?

I JUST CAN'T WAIT...yes,yes I can!

(look at Taylee's sweet face-
I just can't love her enough!)

I'm sorry to say that it may be awhile until the next post, but we will catch you up when we can.
We're moving on Tues...having a very busy and curious toddler, and being 34 wks pregnant will make the moving-in process a slow go...so please forgive me. I'll try to be better with 2 cute munchkins to brag about!!!

Until then: Happy Spring!