TEN months


Yet another month has passed so quickly and our little bug is hard at work. She has such a mild and loving personality, unless she wants something she can't have! But really she is such a joy to be around. I love her smile, it does wonders for the soul. A doctor we visited, while searching for solutions for Lars' back, told us that there was a study done that showed the same chemical reaction happens in a mother's brain when seeing the face of her smiling baby as in a druggy after shooting heroin. Crazy, huh!?! So Taylee is my drug of choice…hehehe.

Here are some highlights for this month…

  • WALKING –It is official, we have a walker. She walks all around the house, back and forth, and she is so proud of herself. She likes to hold our hand (just one) and walk around everywhere we go – especially if there are other little ones cruising about. She hardly ever crawls anymore, only when she is tired or on a slippery surface, and in a new place-until she warms up a little.
  • STANDING –We were ready for her to walk since she tried to for a few months, but we weren't ready to see her stand up in the middle of the floor. She'll crouch with her toosh right above her feet and then just stand right up. It's very cute but seems way too big.
  • COMMUNICATING –She understands a lot more of our phrases and words now. Her favorite I think is 'bath' –if we say that word we better be ready get her in. She's a good listener too. If we ask her 'don't touch', she won't…most of the time, she is still a very curious baby. Our favorite is still 'loves or kisses'. I just can't seem to get or give enough.
  • SIGNING –What a blessing this has been. She'll sign 'food', 'more', 'all done', 'night night' and I've seen her do 'Thank you' twice.
  • CLAPPING –This is so fun. She loves praise and attention, and we play 'Patty cake' A LOT now!
  • COPY CAT –Brushing hair, and teeth, talking on the phone, and drinking from a cup. I make some pretty silly noises that I never realized, until I hear them from Taters.

She is still very much a tease. We are trying to get her to say 'mama'. (I'm associated with the kiss sound…muahmuah.) She says 'dada' all the time-what a blow.

She is very photogenic. She sees a camera and smiles (a sign we have many pictures of her!)

She also is very sensitive to others feelings. If she hears a little person crying she cries until she can give them a love.

We love you Tay bug and look forward to every moment we have with you in the future. Please slow down though-we're having a hard time catching up with you.


Unknown said...

Ah, its true, she is so sweet and cute. And there is just no catching up with them, believe me. I have learned to love just following behind and seeing what my little ones leave in their wake!